Best Mumio Available Online (Mumijo)

If you are looking to learn about or purchase Mumio you’ve come to the right place. This site is dedicated to information about Shilajit… which is another name for mumio. See Our Recommended Mumio/Shilajit Products Mumio is a powerful and rejuvenating health supplement known by many different names. Mumio, mumijo, moomiyo, mumiyo, silajit, salajeet, shilajeet, […]

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Stop Taking Shilajit Capsules!

Shilajit capsules are probably the most common way to take shilajit. Its so common that you probably can’t even count up all the different brands that offer shilajit in capsules, there are just way too many. But if you really want to benefit from shilajit, capsules are the absolute last thing you want to take. […]

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Кои се придобивките од Shilajit?

Сте слушнале за shilajit и како тоа би можело да биде во можност да се зголеми квалитетот на вашиот живот. Но, дали тоа навистина работи, и кои се вистинските придобивки на shilajit? Како што е споменато на почетната страница на овој сајт, the list of the benefits of shilajit is extraordinary. There are a great number of research supported positive […]

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Shilajit Rasayana Amrita: Elixir of Rejuvenation

Shilajit/Shilajeet can be translated to mean invincible rock, rock-like. Rasayana, also a Sanskrit word, translates to: “The Path of Essence”. Lastly, Amrita translates to “immortality”. For those of you interested in the alchemical origins of Shilajit, it is important to understand the Indian Ayurvedic concept of the Rasayana / Rasayan, and Amrita. (If you want […]

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Дали Shilajit работа?

Okay, so you’ve heard of Shilajit. Maybe you travelled to India or Nepal and saw peddlers melting black stuff in customer’s hands and talking about an amazing cure-all, perhaps a friend or family member swears by it, or you’ve encountered it on one of a thousand different websites that proclaim its incredible healing powers? Regardless, […]

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