Quels sont les avantages de Shilajit?

benefits of taking shilajitVous avez entendu parler shilajit et comment il pourrait être en mesure d'augmenter votre qualité de vie. Mais ça marche vraiment, et quels sont les vrais avantages de shilajit?

Comme mentionné sur la page d'accueil de ce site, la liste des avantages de shilajit est extraordinaire. Il ya un grand nombre de recherches sur les bienfaits pour la santé en charge de shilajit, et les avantages ayurvédiques traditionnelles associées à shilajt sont encore plus nombreux.

Traditionnellement, Shilajit was believed to be a use for general restorative tonic and medicine, meaning it helped to fight a range of illness and is also taken to maintain good health. It was given as a medicine to cure common colds, il a été pris comme un supplément quotidien le matin avec du lait chaud ou de l'eau, et a été particulièrement recommandé pour améliorer la santé sexuelle et de la performance.

Littérature ayurvédique classique décrit également shilajit comme un véritable rasayana, ou un composé alchimique qui ne nécessite aucune modification, et quand il est reconnu dans la nature était déjà dans une forme pour créer une grande guérison. A great many claims about the powers of shilajit ayurveda have been proclaimed throughout the years… allant même jusqu'à affirmer comme un remède contre le cancer. Dans cet article nous allons nous concentrer sur les faits, au lieu de couvrir les créances non confirmées et improbable.

5 Shilajit Health Benefits You Can’t Ignore:

  1. Anti-inflammation. Shilajit can have a huge impact on your health if you are achey, sore, have arthritis, or rheumatism. You will go from feeling elderly and slow to feeling that spark of youthful energy again. Use daily for best results.
  2. Memory and Mind. Shilajit has nootropic properties, which means it helps to clear brain fog and increase memory, comprehension, and ability to focus of the task at hand.
  3. Fécondité. Shilajit has been proven in scientific studies to increase fertility for both men and women. For men, sperm quality and count saw drastic increases after taking shilajit for a period of 8 weeks. For women, egg quality and better regulation of menstrual cycles was documented. See below for more fertility information.
  4. Stress Reducer. Because of shilajit’s androgen-like properties, it helps to balance out stress-causing hormones, making it easier for both your mind AND body to deal with stress signals in a healthier, calmer manner.
  5. Immune Booster. Do you frequently catch the common cold or flu? Shilajit boosts the immune system, and has proved to be effective over and over again in many double-blind placebo tests against the common cold.


Qu'est-ce que la recherche à propos des avantages Shilajit?

There is a growing body of evidence that confirms or supports the many traditional beneficial claims made about shilajit as an ayurvedic medicine. Vous pouvez trouver des liens vers plusieurs de ces documents sur notre article Est-ce que Shilajit travail. The popularity of shilajit has rapidly climbed in the last several years and we expect that it will soon be widely known and used throughout the world for it’s many health benefits and uses.

As general interest in shilajit ayurveda continues to grow more and more scientists will increasingly make it a priority to test the uses of shilajit in a laboratory setting. La grande majorité de la recherche à ce jour a été très positive, and instead of dismissing shilajit ayurveda as just another fad “natural health remedy” the science has actually confirmed many surprising health benefits. Below is a small but growing list of scientifically validated health benefits and medicinal uses.

Be sure to check back occasionally as we will continue to keep this article updated with the latest research confirmed health benefits of this powerful Ayurvedic medicine.

Uses of Shilajit as an ayurvedic medicine:

Uses of Shilajit for Fertility Benefits

shilajit fertility statistics